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I am Keely. The face behind SoulDogArt.

I am a Calgary, Alberta based artist. I work mainly on pet portrait commissions, but I also do wildlife art as well. I live with my husband, son, and 2 dogs.

I was always an artistic kid, and I was lucky to have a very supportive family that always encouraged me to follow any path I wanted.

Ultimately, I chose to go into the beauty industry. It just seemed more practical at the time, as well as being an artistic outlet. I spent about 15 years in the industry before mentally and physically exhausting myself. So i sought change…

I found a job at a local pet store that I love! I happily worked there until I started to experience severepain. Between my health, and a pandemic that made childcare nearly impossible to predict, I chose to reduce my hours. I was able to stay on part time, which I’m so happy with, because I really DO love it!

That left me with more time to myself than I’ve ever had. I felt lost. I needed a purpose. One day i remembered how much fun I had with pastels in high school art class, so I picked up a cheap set and off to work I went.

The results were less than stellar to say the least, LOL, but I had so much fun! I made an investment in some better materials and practiced on every dog I could find! I saw progress in each portrait, which only motivated me further.

I posted on my personal social media and I got such a positive response that I gained the confidence to take a few commissions from people that were eager to support me right from the very beginning (THANK YOU!)

And now we have SoulDog Art!

Thank you so much for all the sopport! I wouldn’t be here without it!

Me and my SoulDog and muse, Carly.

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